Saturday, September 22, 2012


This is an ammonite quilt, that was displayed in the  quilting shop in Brunswick Road.
Picking up our threads in Whitby;  

Who is Peperoni?  Well she is a small silver-grey cat that visits the yard in Whitby.  Does she belong to anyone? I am not sure, but last time we were there she made her presence felt.  Our neighbour up the steps, is an old fashioned hippy, long grey locks and a loud Scottish accent, and it is here that Peperoni will head for morning breakfast, we will see her out of the window tail held high as she bounces up the steps.  Paul loves talking to (well just lets call him F) F.  We always get missed phone calls from him and we both picture him standing outside on his small balcony looking out on to the wilderness of wild flowers in front of him that is supposed to become several houses.  This walled piece of land owned by an absentee Irish millionaire, who also owns several other properties in Whitby, may not be developed, or it may, but long may it be a wildlife habitat.
This morning F said he was training two carrier pigeons as their phone calls always seem to miss each other.
His friends often pass our window, a Viking goth would perhaps explain one, Whitby is full of colourful characters another neighbour in the yard had her brothers down for the folk music weekend, songs and music could be heard coming from the cottage and A had bought a ukelele to practise on, as she has as yet to learn how to play...
But to return to Peperoni, a very pretty little cat, she came to inspect the cottage a couple of times, waltzing round the sitting room , under the bed on the first floor and then doing a daredevil act on the top floor window, which was open, till I rescued her.  We have seen her curled up fast asleep in the pub over the road,  M next door doesn't like her and so she gets shooed out, Paul worries about her crossing the road from the pub to the yard. Hopefully I shall take more photos when we go back and I shall try to capture Peperoni if she is still around.....

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic quilt. Looking forward to the pictures of Peperoni!


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