Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday 10th September

The swallows are still with us, there is even young in the nests under the eaves of the church.  LS got worried yesterday, as workmen are removing the drainpipes and replacing them with new ones.  How would the nests fare?  Well they seem to be alright, there are three nests on the south side and the swallows are still flying in and out.  They leave, according to the RSPB, in September and October, so our English swallows should be going to South Africa  soon, many will not make it of course... There is the tale of course by Gilbert White, 18th century naturalist, who believed that swallows hibernated under water.

There are three nests under the left hand side of the building.

Our hens  are still laying, though people we have spoken to say their hens have stopped laying, but each day we normally have three eggs, given some away, think our hens because they point of lay are young and vigorous, shall be happy when they lay less!

Yesterday we went to look at a church on the way to Pickering, the church at Middleton, but the church was closed, and so for a time, these photos will have to do., the Scandinavian crosses though inside the church look in very good condition.

What I did manage to capture though was the outside fragmented remains, the lower half of the tower is Saxon and has embedded in its fabric an 8th century cross head..second photo below.....

There has been a church here since Saxon times and the base of the tower is Saxon. On the west wall is a blocked off Saxon doorway with a later oval window at the top. Embedded in the wall above is an 8thC Anglian cross. The top with battlements is later as are the large bell windows......

The 8th Century cross above the west door

South door 13th century

The sun dial above the south door, apparently dated 1782

And a bit of news to keep an eye on.... Doggerland to be repopulated


  1. We still have swallows too Thelma. One day we think they have gone and the next day they are everywhere. We think they are all flying South and stopping off here on the way.

  2. LS thinks that the adult parents are trying to lure our youngsters from the nest, it seems very late though.


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